
Network (IP) layer entity of SWANS simulator and related classes.


Interface Summary
MessageQueue Implements a prioritized queue of items.
NetInterface Defines the interface of all Network layer entity implementations.
NetInterface.NetHandler Network layer callback interface.
PacketLoss Packet loss models.

Class Summary
NetAddress Contains a Network address.
NetIp IPv4 implementation based on RFC 791.
NetIp.NicInfo Information about each network interface.
NetMessage Network packet.
NetMessage.Ip IPv4 network packet.
NetMessage.IpOption A generic IP packet option.
NetMessage.IpOptionSourceRoute An IP packet source route option.
PacketLoss.Uniform Uniformly random packet loss.
PacketLoss.Zero No packet loss.
QueuedMessage A message object that can be queued in MessageQueue.

Package Description

Network (IP) layer entity of SWANS simulator and related classes. The more notable classes in this package are: