Package jist.swans.route

Routing entity of SWANS simulator and related classes.


Interface Summary
RouteInterface Defines the interface of all Routing implementations and the Route entity.
RouteInterface.Aodv AODV routing entity interface.
RouteInterface.Dsr DSR routing entity interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp ZRP routing entity interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.Brp Protocol: Bordercast Resolution (sub)Protocol interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.Iarp IntrAzone Routing (sub)Protocol interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.Ierp IntErzone Routing (sub)Protocol interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageBrp BRP (Bordercast Resolution Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIarp IARP (IntrAzone Routing Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIerp IERP (IntErzone Routing Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageNdp NDP (Node Discovery Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageZrp General ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.Ndp Node Discovery (sub)Protocol interface.

Class Summary
Link Contains a directed pair of Network addresses.
RouteAodv Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing Protocol Implementation.
RouteAodv.AodvPacketStats Packet stats.
RouteAodv.AodvStats Data structure to collect AODV statistics.
RouteAodv.HelloMessage Represents a HELLO message.
RouteAodv.MessageQueue A MessageQueue object temporarily stores transport-layer messages while routes are being determined.
RouteAodv.OutgoingInfo Information for each node in the outgoing node set.
RouteAodv.OutgoingSet Represents the set of neighboring nodes through which this node routes messages.
RouteAodv.PrecursorInfo Information stored for each precursor node.
RouteAodv.PrecursorSet Represents the set of neighboring nodes which (likely) route through this node.
RouteAodv.RouteErrorMessage Represents a Route Error (RERR) message class.
RouteAodv.RouteReplyMessage Represents a Route Reply (RREP) message.
RouteAodv.RouteRequest Represents a request for a route by a node.
RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage Represents a Route Request (RREQ) message.
RouteAodv.RouteTable A routing table contains a hash map, consisting of NetAddress->RouteTableEntry mappings.
RouteAodv.RouteTableEntry Information to be stored for each destination in routing table.
RouteAodv.RreqBuffer Buffer for keeping track of recently sent RREQ messages (so they are not resent).
RouteAodv.RreqBufferEntry A single entry of the RREQ Buffer.
RouteDsr An implementation of the Dynamic Source Routing protocol.
RouteDsrMsg A message with a DSR Options header.
RouteDsrMsg.Option The base class for all DSR header options.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionAck An Acknowledgement option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionAckRequest An Acknowledgement Request option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionPad1 A Pad1 option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionPadN A PadN option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteError A Route Error option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteReply A Route Reply option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteRequest A Route Request option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionSourceRoute A Source Route option.
RouteInterface.Dsr.BufferedPacket Contains a packet and the time it was inserted into the buffer.
RouteZrp Zone Routing Protocol Implementation.
RouteZrp.ZrpPacketStats Data structure to collect ZRP packet statistics.
RouteZrp.ZrpStats Data structure to collect ZRP statistics.
RouteZrpBrp Zone Routing Protocol: Bordercast Resolution (sub)Protocol: Default implementation.
RouteZrpBrp.MessageBrp BRP (Bordercast Resolution Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpBrp.QueryCoverageEntry BRP query entry.
RouteZrpBrp.QueryKey BRP query key.
RouteZrpBrpFlood Zone Routing Protocol: Bordercast Resolution (sub)Protocol: Naive flooding.
RouteZrpBrpFlood.MessageBrpFlood Query flooding packet.
RouteZrpIarp Zone Routing Protocol: IntrAzone Routing (sub)Protocol: Default implementation.
RouteZrpIarp.LinkStateEntry IARP Link state entry.
RouteZrpIarp.MessageIarp IARP (IntrAzone Routing Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpIarp.RouteEntry IARP route entry.
RouteZrpIerp Zone Routing Protocol: IntErzone Routing (sub)Protocol: Default implementation.
RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp IERP (IntErzone Routing Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpIerp.MessageQueue Queue of message waiting for route replies.
RouteZrpIerp.QueuedPacket Packet queued and waiting to be sent.
RouteZrpIerp.RouteEntry IERP routing entry.
RouteZrpNdp Zone Routing Protocol: Node Discovery (sub)Protocol: Default implementation.
RouteZrpNdp.MessageNdp NDP (Node Discovery Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpNdp.NeighbourState NDP neighbour entry.
RouteZrpZdp Zone Routing Protocol: Zone Discovery (sub)Protocol - an alternate IARP.
RouteZrpZdp.LinkEntry ZDP link entry.
RouteZrpZdp.MessageZdp ZDP (Zone Discovery Protocol) packet.

Package jist.swans.route Description

Routing entity of SWANS simulator and related classes. The more notable classes in this package are: