Package driver

SWANS demo, benchmark and test simulation programs.


Interface Summary
CBR.ClientInterface The interface for client nodes in the simulation.
CBR.ServerInterface The interface for server nodes in the simulation.

Class Summary
aodvsim AODV simulation.
aodvsim.CommandLineOptions Simulation parameters with default values.
bordercast Bordercast evaluation.
bordercast.CommandLineOptions Simulation parameters with default values.
CBR Constant Bit Rate simulation program.
CBR.Client A client node in the simulation.
CBR.CommandLineOptions Simulation parameters with default values.
CBR.Server A server node in the simulation.
heartbeat SWANS demo/test: heartbeat application.
ip Small scenario that tests stuff below the IP layer on the network stack.
ip.CommandLineOptions Simulation parameters with default values.
memory SWANS memory benchmark.
ndp Node Discovery Protocol macro-benchmark.
ndp.cmdlineOpts Parsed command-line options.
spatial Spatial data structure benchmark.
spatial.cmdlineOpts Parsed command-line options.
tcp Small TCP test that can be run both inside and outside of JiST.
tcp.Client Simple TCP client.
tcp.Server Simple TCP server.
threaded An example to show the transparent conversion of threads to simulation time under the AppJava.
udp Small UDP test that can be run both inside and outside of JiST.
udp.Client Simple UDP client.
udp.Server Simple UDP server.

Package driver Description

SWANS demo, benchmark and test simulation programs.