Package jist.minisim

JiST demo, benchmark and test simulation programs.


Interface Summary
contproxy.entityInterface Interface for benchmarking proxy entity.
isentity.myObjectInterface an entity interface.
proxy.entityInterface Benchmark entity proxy interface.

Class Summary
block Blocking channel entity demo/test.
cont Measures throughput of continuation calls in JiST.
cont.cmdlineOpts Parsed command-line options.
cont.entity Entity to test continuation entity calls.
contproxy Measures throughput of proxy entity continuation calls in JiST.
contproxy.cmdlineOpts Parsed command-line options.
contproxy.entity Benchmark proxy entity.
donotrewrite Hello World of simulations, but with rewritting DISABLED.
entity Measures infrastructure memory overhead of entities in JiST.
events Measures event throughput in JiST.
events.cmdlineOpts Parsed command-line options.
events.entity Event throughput benchmark entity.
hello Hello World of simulations.
hello_loop A slightly more sophisticated Hello World of simulations to show the difference between blocking and non-blocking events.
isentity Test JiST isEntity API.
isentity.myEntity a dummy regular entity.
isentity.myObject a dummy proxy entity.
log Test JiST custom logging capability.
loop Measures cost of a function call.
loop.cmdlineOpts Parsed command-line options.
mem_events Measures memory overhead of events in JiST.
prime Pulls in all the classes that it find below a given classpath in order to get rewriter statistics.
prime.ClassFileFilter A filename filter to return only directories.
prime.CmdlineOpts Parsed command-line options.
prime.DirFileFilter A filename filter to return only class files.
proxy Measures event throughput for proxy entities in JiST.
proxy.cmdlineOpts Parsed command-line options.
proxy.entity Benchmark proxy entity.
sleepblock A slightly more sophisticated Hello World of simulations to show the difference between blocking and non-blocking events.
trace Test trace facility, by throwing an exception.
unthreaded An example to show why you don't always need threads in an event-oriented environment.

Package jist.minisim Description

JiST demo, benchmark and test simulation programs.