A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


raddr - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
Remote address for the connection.
radio - Variable in class driver.ip.CommandLineOptions
Radio interference model to use.
radio - Variable in class jist.swans.misc.Node
RADIO_MODE_IDLE - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
Radio mode: idle, no signals.
RADIO_MODE_RECEIVING - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
Radio mode: signal locked and receiving packet.
RADIO_MODE_SENSING - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
Radio mode: some signals above sensitivity.
RADIO_MODE_SLEEP - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
Radio mode: sleeping.
RADIO_MODE_TRANSMITTING - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
Radio mode: transmitting packet.
RADIO_NOUSER_DELAY - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
Constant used to specify the default "delay to the wire".
RADIO_PHY_DELAY - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
physical layer delay.
RADIO_STRING_ADDITIVE - Static variable in class driver.ip
RADIO_STRING_INDEPENDENT - Static variable in class driver.ip
RADIO_TURNAROUND_TIME - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
RX-TX switching delay.
RADIO_TYPE_ADDITIVE - Static variable in class driver.ip
RADIO_TYPE_INDEPENDENT - Static variable in class driver.ip
radioBusy() - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
radioEntity - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
Radio downcall entity reference.
radioEntity - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacDumb
radio entity.
radioEntity - Variable in class jist.swans.misc.Node
radioIdle() - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
RadioInfo - Class in jist.swans.radio
Radio properties.
RadioInfo(RadioInfo.RadioInfoUnique, RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared) - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioInfo
Create radio information object with shared and unique properties.
radioInfo - Variable in class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoise
radio properties.
RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared - Class in jist.swans.radio
Timeless information possibly shared among numerous Radio instances (only to save simulation memory.
RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared() - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared
RadioInfo.RadioInfoUnique - Class in jist.swans.radio
Timeless information unique to a single Radio instance.
RadioInfo.RadioInfoUnique() - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioInfo.RadioInfoUnique
RadioInterface - Interface in jist.swans.radio
Defines the interface of all Radio entity implementations.
radioList - Variable in class jist.swans.field.Spatial.LinearList
list of radios in bin.
radioMode - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
radio mode used for carrier sense.
radioMode - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacDumb
radio mode: transmit, receive, etc.
RadioNoise - Class in jist.swans.radio
RadioNoise is an abstract class which implements some functionality that is common to the independent and additive radio noise simulation models.
RadioNoise(int, RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared) - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoise
Create a new radio.
RadioNoiseAdditive - Class in jist.swans.radio
RadioNoiseAdditive implements a radio with an additive noise model.
RadioNoiseAdditive(int, RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared) - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoiseAdditive
Create new radio with additive noise model.
RadioNoiseAdditive(int, RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared, float) - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoiseAdditive
Create a new radio with additive noise model.
RadioNoiseAdditive(int, RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared, BERTable) - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoiseAdditive
Create a new radio with additive noise model.
RadioNoiseIndep - Class in jist.swans.radio
RadioNoiseIndep implements a radio with an independent noise model.
RadioNoiseIndep(int, RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared) - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoiseIndep
Create new radio with independent noise model.
RadioNoiseIndep(int, RadioInfo.RadioInfoShared, double) - Constructor for class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoiseIndep
Create new radio with independent noise model.
radios - Variable in class jist.swans.field.Field
Array of radios on this field.
radius - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp
zone radius.
random - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
Global random number generator.
randomRadius - Variable in class jist.swans.field.Mobility.RandomWalk
random component of step size.
randomSleep(long) - Static method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Sleep for a random time.
randomTime(long) - Static method in class jist.swans.misc.Util
Return random long between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
randseed - Variable in class driver.CBR.CommandLineOptions
Random number generator seed.
rcv_nxt - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
next sequence number expected on an incoming segment.
rcv_wnd - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
receiver window.
read() - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStream
read() - Method in interface jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamRemote
Read a byte.
read(int) - Method in interface jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamRemote
Read a sequence of bytes.
read() - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSender
Read a byte.
read(int) - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSender
Read a sequence of bytes.
read() - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSenderLocal
Read a byte.
read(int) - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSenderLocal
Read a sequence of bytes.
read() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedInputStream
read() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
read() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.FilterInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.FilterInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.FilterInputStream
read() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.InputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.InputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.InputStream
read() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.InputStreamReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.InputStreamReader
read() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.Reader
read(char[]) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.Reader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.Reader
read() - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TcpInputStream
Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
read(byte[]) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TcpInputStream
Reads some number of bytes from the input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TcpInputStream
Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.
read1(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedInputStream
read1(char[], int, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
readAheadLimit - Variable in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
limit for reading ahead; valid only when markedChar greater than 0.
readAll(InputStream) - Static method in class jist.runtime.Util
Read an entire stream and return byte[].
Reader - Class in jist.swans.app.io
A functionally identical port of java.io.Reader, primarily brought into jist.swans.app.io package so that it could be dynamically rewritten.
Reader() - Constructor for class jist.swans.app.io.Reader
Reader(Object) - Constructor for class jist.swans.app.io.Reader
readInetAddress(ObjectInputStream) - Static method in class jist.runtime.ProxyPoint
Read and parse IP address from input stream.
readLine(boolean) - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
readLine() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
readLines(File) - Static method in class jist.swans.misc.Util
Read all lines of a file.
readLines(String) - Static method in class jist.swans.misc.Util
Read all lines of a file.
ready() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
ready() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.InputStreamReader
ready() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.Reader
receive(Message, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class driver.ip.MyIpHandler
receive() - Method in class jist.minisim.block
Receive a message from the channel.
receive() - Method in class jist.runtime.Channel
Blocking receive call.
receive(Message, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.app.AppHeartbeat
Receive a message from network layer.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class jist.swans.app.net.UdpSocket
receive(Message, NetAddress, int) - Method in class jist.swans.app.net.UdpSocket.UdpSocketCallback
Receive transport layer packet.
receive(Message) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
receive(Message) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.MacDumb
Radio has received a packet for mac to process.
receive(Message) - Method in interface jist.swans.mac.MacInterface
Radio has received a packet for mac to process.
receive(Message) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.MacLoop
Radio has received a packet for mac to process.
receive(Message, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in interface jist.swans.net.NetInterface.NetHandler
Receive a message from network layer.
receive(Message, MacAddress, byte, boolean) - Method in interface jist.swans.net.NetInterface
Receive a message from the link layer.
receive(Message, MacAddress, byte, boolean) - Method in class jist.swans.net.NetIp
Receive a message from the link layer.
receive(Message, Double, Long) - Method in interface jist.swans.radio.RadioInterface
Start receiving message.
receive(Message, Double, Long) - Method in class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoiseAdditive
Start receiving message.
receive(Message, Double, Long) - Method in class jist.swans.radio.RadioNoiseIndep
Start receiving message.
receive(Message, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Receive a message from network layer.
receive(Message, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
Receives a message from the network.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageBrp, NetAddress) - Method in interface jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Zrp.Brp
Process incoming BRP packet.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIarp, NetAddress) - Method in interface jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Zrp.Iarp
Process incoming IARP packet.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIerp) - Method in interface jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Zrp.Ierp
Process incoming IERP packet.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageNdp, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte) - Method in interface jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Zrp.Ndp
Process incoming NDP packet.
receive(Message, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp
Receive a message from network layer.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageBrp, NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrp
Process incoming BRP packet.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageBrp, NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrpFlood
Process incoming BRP packet.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIarp, NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp
Process incoming IARP packet.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIerp) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp
Process incoming IERP packet.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageNdp, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpNdp
Process incoming NDP packet.
receive(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIarp, NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp
Process incoming IARP packet.
receive(Message, NetAddress, int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TcpServerSocket.TcpServerSocketCallback
Receive transport layer packet.
receive(Message, NetAddress, int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket.TcpSocketCallback
Receive transport layer packet.
receive(Message, NetAddress, int) - Method in interface jist.swans.trans.TransInterface.SocketHandler
Receive transport layer packet.
receive(Message, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TransTcp
Receive a message from network layer.
receive(Message, NetAddress, MacAddress, byte, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TransUdp
Receive a message from network layer.
receiveAck(MacMessage.Ack) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
receiveBuffer - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
Buffers to hold bytes received.
receiveCts(MacMessage.Cts) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
receiveData(MacMessage.Data) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
receiveForeign(MacMessage) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
receiveHelloMessage(RouteAodv.HelloMessage) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Process an incoming HELLO message.
receivePacket(MacMessage) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
receiveRouteErrorMessage(RouteAodv.RouteErrorMessage, MacAddress, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Process an incoming RERR message.
receiveRouteReplyMessage(RouteAodv.RouteReplyMessage, NetAddress, MacAddress, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Process an incoming RREP message.
receiveRouteRequestMessage(RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage, NetAddress, MacAddress, NetAddress, byte, byte) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Process an incoming RREQ message.
receiveRts(MacMessage.Rts) - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
recv - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvStats
received packets.
recv - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp.ZrpStats
zrp receive counters.
recycleMem() - Static method in class jist.runtime.Main
Try to force a flush of all memory from previous simulation.
ref - Variable in class jist.runtime.Event
Reference to entity that will receive the event.
ref(JistAPI.Entity) - Static method in class jist.runtime.JistAPI
Get Entity reference for given Entity.
ref(Object) - Static method in class jist.runtime.JistAPI_Impl
refreshTimer - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp
refresh/flush timer callback.
registerCallEvent(Method, EntityRef, Object[]) - Method in class jist.runtime.Controller
Create and register an outgoing call event.
registerEntity(Entity) - Method in class jist.runtime.Controller
Register an entity with the Controller.
remaining - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterFlow
remaining instructions to process.
remote - Variable in class jist.runtime.Main.CommandLineOptions
remote server job queue.
remote - Variable in class jist.runtime.ProxyPoint.ProxyAcceptSocket
proxied socket end-point.
remote - Variable in class jist.runtime.ProxyPoint.ProxyClientSocket
proxied socket end-point.
RemoteIO - Class in jist.runtime
RMI-based remote input and output streams.
RemoteIO() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteIO
RemoteIO.PrintStreamWithExceptions - Class in jist.runtime
A special PrintStream that *does* throw exceptions.
RemoteIO.PrintStreamWithExceptions(PrintStream) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.PrintStreamWithExceptions
Create new PrintStream that throws exceptions on error.
RemoteIO.RemoteInputStream - Class in jist.runtime
Local-side of remote input stream.
RemoteIO.RemoteInputStream(RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamRemote) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStream
Create a new local-side remote input stream connected to the given remote input stream stub.
RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamRemote - Interface in jist.runtime
Interface for remote input stream.
RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSender - Class in jist.runtime
Remote-side of remote input stream.
RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSender(InputStream) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSender
Create a new remote input stream server.
RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSenderLocal - Class in jist.runtime
LOCAL remote input stream.
RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSenderLocal(InputStream) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStreamSenderLocal
Create a new remote input stream server.
RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStream - Class in jist.runtime
Local-side of remote output stream.
RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStream(RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStreamRemote) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStream
Create a new local-side remote output stream connected to the given remote output stream stub.
RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStreamReceiver - Class in jist.runtime
Remote-side of remote output stream.
RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStreamReceiver(OutputStream) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStreamReceiver
Create a new remote output stream server.
RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStreamReceiverLocal - Class in jist.runtime
LOCAL remote output stream.
RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStreamReceiverLocal(OutputStream) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStreamReceiverLocal
Create a new remote output stream server.
RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStreamRemote - Interface in jist.runtime
Interface for remote output stream.
RemoteJist - Class in jist.runtime
All the JiST client-server related remote classes.
RemoteJist() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteJist
RemoteJist.JistClient - Class in jist.runtime
Remote JiST client RMI "server".
RemoteJist.JistClient() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClient
Create new Jist client RMI "server".
RemoteJist.JistClientLocal - Class in jist.runtime
Local JiST client.
RemoteJist.JistClientLocal() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClientLocal
Create new Jist client RMI "server".
RemoteJist.JistClientRemote - Interface in jist.runtime
Remote JiST client interface.
RemoteJist.Job - Class in jist.runtime
A simulation job.
RemoteJist.Job() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.Job
RemoteJist.JobQueueServer - Class in jist.runtime
Job queue server.
RemoteJist.JobQueueServer(int, PrintStream) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JobQueueServer
Start new job queue server.
RemoteJist.JobQueueServerRemote - Interface in jist.runtime
Remote job queue server interface.
RemoteJist.Ping - Class in jist.runtime
Ping server.
RemoteJist.Ping(int) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.Ping
Create new RMI ping server on given port.
RemoteJist.PingRemote - Interface in jist.runtime
Remote ping interface.
RemoteJist.RemoteClassLoader - Class in jist.runtime
An RMI-based remote class loader.
RemoteJist.RemoteClassLoader(RemoteJist.ResourceFinderRemote) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.RemoteClassLoader
Create new remote classloader backed by given remote resource finder.
RemoteJist.RemoteRepository - Class in jist.runtime
An RMI-based remote BCEL repository.
RemoteJist.RemoteRepository(RemoteJist.ResourceFinderRemote, PrintStream) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.RemoteRepository
Create new remote BCEL repository.
RemoteJist.ResourceFinderRemote - Interface in jist.runtime
Remote resource finder interface.
remove(int) - Method in class jist.swans.net.MessageQueue.NoDropMessageQueue
Return first message with given priority and dequeue.
remove() - Method in class jist.swans.net.MessageQueue.NoDropMessageQueue
Return first message and dequeue.
remove() - Method in interface jist.swans.net.MessageQueue
Return first message and dequeue.
remove(int) - Method in interface jist.swans.net.MessageQueue
Return first message with given priority and dequeue.
remove(MacAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.PrecursorSet
Removes an item from the precursor set.
remove(NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteTable
Removes entry with given key from routing table.
RemoveCachedLink(NetAddress, NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
Removes every path in the cache that uses a direct link between addr1 and addr2.
removeChild(GuiLog.EventNode) - Method in class jist.runtime.guilog.GuiLog.EventNode
Remove a child EventNode from the node.
removeChildren() - Method in class jist.runtime.guilog.GuiLog.EventNode
Removes all child EventNodes from the node.
removeClass(JavaClass) - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.RemoteRepository
removeFirst() - Method in class jist.runtime.Scheduler.Calendar
Remove first event in queue.
removeFirst() - Method in class jist.runtime.Scheduler.Heap
Remove first event in queue.
removeFirst() - Method in class jist.runtime.Scheduler
Remove first event in queue.
removeIndex(int) - Method in class jist.runtime.Scheduler.Heap
Return the element stored a given location in the internal heap array and remove it from the heap.
removeLink(Link, Iterator) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp
Remove link from data structures.
removeLinkSrcDst(NetAddress, NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp
Remove link from source-destination hashes.
removeList(LinkedList) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteTable
Remove all route table entries whose destination is specified in a given list.
removeMessage(int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.PriorityList
Removing a specific message.
removeMessages(int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.PriorityList
Removing all messages that have number less than the given number.
removeMsgsForDest(NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.MessageQueue
Removes all messages bound for a given destination.
removeNextHop(MacAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteTable
Remove all routing table entries with a given next hop address.
removeRetTargets(OperandStack) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterFlow
Replace any ReturnaddressTypes (placed on the stack by JSR) with WildcardReturnaddressTypes, so as to pass the verification performed during stack merge.
renew() - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.PrecursorInfo
Updates the precursor entry with the current time, indicating the most recent time that a message was sent to the precursor.
replaceDest(NetAddress[], NetAddress, NetAddress[]) - Static method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp
Replace end of route with route to destination.
reportMem() - Static method in class driver.ndp
Print memory information.
repositoryLock - Static variable in class jist.runtime.Rewriter
Mutex access to BCEL repository object.
REQUEST_PERIOD - Static variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
The initial timeout before retransmitting a Route Request.
rerr - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClient
Remote stub for local stderr.
rerr - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClientLocal
Remote stub for local stderr.
rerrPackets - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvPacketStats
RERR packets.
reset() - Method in class jist.runtime.Controller
Create internal event queue and entity list.
reset() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedInputStream
reset() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
reset() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.FilterInputStream
reset() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.InputStream
reset() - Method in class jist.swans.app.io.Reader
reset(int) - Static method in class jist.swans.misc.Enumerator
Reset counter value to given value.
reset() - Static method in class jist.swans.misc.Enumerator
Zero counter.
resetHelloWaitCount() - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.OutgoingInfo
Set count of HELLO intervals to zero.
resetNav() - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
Clear the virtual carrier sense (network allocation vector).
resetTimerId - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
ID for reset timer (for special cases).
resetTimerTimeout(int) - Method in interface jist.swans.trans.SocketInterface.TcpSocketInterface
Execution when reset timer times out (closing the socket).
resetTimerTimeout(int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
Execution when reset timer times out (closing the socket).
resizeBuffer(int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.CircularBuffer
Resize the buffer to the specified value.
resolutionTime - Variable in class driver.aodvsim.CommandLineOptions
Number of seconds after messages stop sending to end simulation.
resources - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.RemoteClassLoader
Remote resource finder.
resources - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.RemoteRepository
Remote resource finder.
resources - Variable in class jist.runtime.Rewriter
Resource locator (possibly remote).
rest(Object) - Static method in class jist.swans.misc.Util
Return array with all but first component.
restoreFrame(MethodGen, Vector, Vector, InstructionFactory) - Static method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods
Insert instructions to restore an execution frame from a state object.
result - Variable in class jist.runtime.Event.Continuation
Returning result of the blocking call.
resume() - Static method in class jist.runtime.guilog.GuiLog
Sets paused to false and notifies all methods that are synchronized on pauseLock.
resumeIcon - Static variable in class jist.runtime.guilog.GuiLog
Re-used Icon.
RET_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jist.runtime.EntityRef
boolean type for null return.
RET_BYTE - Static variable in class jist.runtime.EntityRef
byte type for null return.
RET_CHARACTER - Static variable in class jist.runtime.EntityRef
char type for null return.
RET_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jist.runtime.EntityRef
double type for null return.
RET_FLOAT - Static variable in class jist.runtime.EntityRef
float type for null return.
RET_INTEGER - Static variable in class jist.runtime.EntityRef
int type for null return.
RET_LONG - Static variable in class jist.runtime.EntityRef
long type for null return.
RET_SHORT - Static variable in class jist.runtime.EntityRef
short type for null return.
RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
Number of seconds to wait for first retransmission timer.
RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT_FINAL - Static variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
Number of seconds to wait for second retransmission timer.
retransmitTimerTimeout(int, long) - Method in interface jist.swans.trans.SocketInterface.TcpSocketInterface
Attempt to retransmit because the timer times out.
retransmitTimerTimeout(int, long) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
Attempt to retransmit because the timer times out.
retrieve(int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.PriorityList
Retrieve a message with given sequence number.
retrieveAllBytes() - Method in class jist.swans.trans.CircularBuffer
Retrieves all of the bytes stored in the buffer.
retrieveBytes(int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.CircularBuffer
Retrieves the specific number of bytes.
retry() - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
retry - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage
packet retry bit.
RETRY_LIMIT_LONG - Static variable in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
Retransmissions attempted for long packets (those with RTS).
RETRY_LIMIT_SHORT - Static variable in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
Retransmissions attempted for short packets (those without RTS).
retryNo() - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
retryYes() - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
reverse() - Method in class jist.swans.route.Link
Return link in reverse direction.
reverseStack(OperandStack) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterFlow
Reverse the operand stack.
REWRITE_CACHE - Static variable in class jist.runtime.Main
Whether rewritten classes should be cached.
rewriteClass(JavaClass) - Method in class jist.runtime.Rewriter
Performs JiST rewriting of given JavaClass file.
Rewriter - Class in jist.runtime
A custom class loader used by the JIST system to modify standard Java applications at load-time to run under "Simulation Time".
Rewriter(String[], String, RemoteJist.ResourceFinderRemote, PrintStream) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.Rewriter
Initialize an Rewriter instance, with a list of packages to be processed (others are ignored).
rewriter - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddEntityMethodStubs
primary rewriter.
rewriter - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods
primary rewriter.
rewriter - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityCreation
primary rewriter.
rewriter - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityInvocation
primary rewriter.
rewriter - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityReferences
primary rewriter.
rewriter - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalRemoveFieldAccess
primary rewriter.
rewriter - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyAll
primary rewriter.
rewriter - Variable in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyEntity
primary rewriter.
Rewriter - Class in jist.swans
Add-on SWANS-specific JiST rewriter module.
Rewriter() - Constructor for class jist.swans.Rewriter
Rewriter.ModifyTypeInfo - Class in jist.swans
Used by ModifyTypeTraversal to guide modification.
Rewriter.ModifyTypeInfo(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jist.swans.Rewriter.ModifyTypeInfo
Rewriter.ModifyTypeTraversal - Class in jist.swans
Class traversal that substitutes types in all the common places.
Rewriter.ModifyTypeTraversal(Rewriter.ModifyTypeInfo[]) - Constructor for class jist.swans.Rewriter.ModifyTypeTraversal
Create a type-modifying traversal object.
RewriterFlow - Class in jist.runtime
Perform data flow analysis.
RewriterFlow() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterFlow
Create new rewriter data flow analysis object.
RewriterFlow.FlowInfoMap - Class in jist.runtime
An accessor class to conveniently query data flow information.
RewriterFlow.FlowInfoMap(HashMap, HashMap) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterFlow.FlowInfoMap
Initialize flow information with given hashmap.
RewriterFlow.WildcardReturnaddressType - Class in jist.runtime
Utility class to replace BCEL's ReturnaddressType and ignore the return address when checking for type equality for stack merging purposes.
RewriterFlow.WildcardReturnaddressType() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterFlow.WildcardReturnaddressType
Default, private constructor.
rewriters - Variable in class jist.runtime.Rewriter
Installed rewrite traversal visitors.
rewriterTime - Variable in class jist.runtime.Rewriter
Time that the rewriter class was compiled.
RewriterTraversalAddAccessorMethods - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that creates both set and get accessor methods for each public field.
RewriterTraversalAddAccessorMethods() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddAccessorMethods
RewriterTraversalAddEntityMethodStubs - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that adds fields in an entity object that store method references.
RewriterTraversalAddEntityMethodStubs(Rewriter) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddEntityMethodStubs
Create rewriter object that add entity method stubs.
RewriterTraversalAddSelfEntityRef - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that adds the a self-reference EntityRef field, as well as the appropriate accessor methods (part of the Entity interface).
RewriterTraversalAddSelfEntityRef(boolean) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddSelfEntityRef
Create rewriter object that will add an entity self-reference field.
RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that modifies continuable methods.
RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods(Rewriter) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods
Create rewriter object that will transform continuable methods to CPS.
RewriterTraversalImplementEntityInterface - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that tags a class as implementing the Entity interface.
RewriterTraversalImplementEntityInterface(boolean) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalImplementEntityInterface
Create a rewriter object that will implement the Entity interface.
RewriterTraversalImplementTimelessInterface - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that tags a class as implementing the Timeless interface.
RewriterTraversalImplementTimelessInterface() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalImplementTimelessInterface
RewriterTraversalModifyEntityCreation - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that ensures all entity creation operations are modified to result in an EntityRef on the stack, instead of the original Entity.
RewriterTraversalModifyEntityCreation(Rewriter) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityCreation
Create rewriter object to modify entity creation points.
RewriterTraversalModifyEntityInvocation - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that intercepts any method invocation instructions to entity objects.
RewriterTraversalModifyEntityInvocation(Rewriter) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityInvocation
Create rewriter object to modify entity invocation points.
RewriterTraversalModifyEntityReferences - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that converts any references to entity objects within a class into EntityRef objects.
RewriterTraversalModifyEntityReferences(Rewriter) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityReferences
Create rewriter object to modify all entity references.
RewriterTraversalRemoveFieldAccess - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that ensures all entity field access operations are converted to method invocations.
RewriterTraversalRemoveFieldAccess(Rewriter) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalRemoveFieldAccess
Create rewriter object to convert all remote field accesses to method accesses.
RewriterTraversalRemoveNop - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that removes NOP instructions.
RewriterTraversalRemoveNop() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalRemoveNop
RewriterTraversalTranslateAPICalls - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that translates JistAPI method calls into their appropriate Jist system calls.
RewriterTraversalTranslateAPICalls() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalTranslateAPICalls
RewriterTraversalVerifyAll - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that ensures that a given class obeys the specific coding norms of JIST applications.
RewriterTraversalVerifyAll(Rewriter) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyAll
Create rewriter object for general verification.
RewriterTraversalVerifyEntity - Class in jist.runtime
Traversal object that ensures that a given entity obeys the specific coding norms of JIST applications.
RewriterTraversalVerifyEntity(Rewriter) - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyEntity
Create rewriter object to perform entity verification.
RewriterVerify - Class in jist.runtime
Perform the basic Java class verification checks.
RewriterVerify() - Constructor for class jist.runtime.RewriterVerify
rewritten - Variable in class jist.runtime.Rewriter
Rewrite cache.
right(int) - Method in class jist.runtime.Scheduler.Heap
Find right child location in heap-ordered array.
rin - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteInputStream
Stub of remote-side of remote input stream.
rList - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
a list to hold packets that might need to be retransmitted.
rMsgBuffer - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
a list to hold out-of-order received packets that are in window.
round(double, int) - Static method in class jist.runtime.Util
Round-off double to given number of decimal places.
rout - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteIO.RemoteOutputStream
Stub of remote-side of remote output stream.
rout - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClient
Remote stub for local stdout.
rout - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClientLocal
Remote stub for local stdout.
rout - Variable in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JobQueueServer
local server output stream.
route - Variable in class jist.swans.misc.Node
route - Variable in class jist.swans.net.NetMessage.IpOptionSourceRoute
source route.
route - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp.RouteEntry
intra-zone route.
route - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp
route - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.RouteEntry
inter-zone route.
RouteAodv - Class in jist.swans.route
Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing Protocol Implementation.
RouteAodv(NetAddress) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Constructs new RouteAodv instance.
RouteAodv.AodvPacketStats - Class in jist.swans.route
Packet stats.
RouteAodv.AodvPacketStats() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvPacketStats
RouteAodv.AodvStats - Class in jist.swans.route
Data structure to collect AODV statistics.
RouteAodv.AodvStats() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvStats
RouteAodv.HelloMessage - Class in jist.swans.route
Represents a HELLO message.
RouteAodv.HelloMessage(NetAddress, int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.HelloMessage
Constructs new HELLO Message object.
RouteAodv.MessageQueue - Class in jist.swans.route
A MessageQueue object temporarily stores transport-layer messages while routes are being determined.
RouteAodv.MessageQueue(RouteAodv) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.MessageQueue
Constructs a MessageQueue object, with an empty list.
RouteAodv.OutgoingInfo - Class in jist.swans.route
Information for each node in the outgoing node set.
RouteAodv.OutgoingInfo() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.OutgoingInfo
Constructs an Outgoing Set entry.
RouteAodv.OutgoingSet - Class in jist.swans.route
Represents the set of neighboring nodes through which this node routes messages.
RouteAodv.OutgoingSet(NetAddress) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.OutgoingSet
Constructs a new outgoingSet object.
RouteAodv.PrecursorInfo - Class in jist.swans.route
Information stored for each precursor node.
RouteAodv.PrecursorInfo() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.PrecursorInfo
Constructs a new precursor entry.
RouteAodv.PrecursorSet - Class in jist.swans.route
Represents the set of neighboring nodes which (likely) route through this node.
RouteAodv.PrecursorSet(RouteAodv) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.PrecursorSet
Constructs a new PrecursorSet object.
RouteAodv.RouteErrorMessage - Class in jist.swans.route
Represents a Route Error (RERR) message class.
RouteAodv.RouteErrorMessage() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteErrorMessage
Constructs a new Route Error (RERR) Message object with an empty unreachable list.
RouteAodv.RouteErrorMessage(LinkedList) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteErrorMessage
Constructs a new Route Error (RERR) Message object with a given unreachable list.
RouteAodv.RouteReplyMessage - Class in jist.swans.route
Represents a Route Reply (RREP) message.
RouteAodv.RouteReplyMessage(NetAddress, int, NetAddress, int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteReplyMessage
Constructs a new RREP message object.
RouteAodv.RouteRequest - Class in jist.swans.route
Represents a request for a route by a node.
RouteAodv.RouteRequest(NetAddress, RouteAodv) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequest
Constructs a new Route Request object.
RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage - Class in jist.swans.route
Represents a Route Request (RREQ) message.
RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage(int, NetAddress, NetAddress, int, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage
Constructs a new RREQ Message object.
RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage(RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage
Constructs a copy of an existing RREQ message object.
RouteAodv.RouteTable - Class in jist.swans.route
A routing table contains a hash map, consisting of NetAddress->RouteTableEntry mappings.
RouteAodv.RouteTable(NetAddress) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteTable
Constructs a RouteTable object.
RouteAodv.RouteTableEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
Information to be stored for each destination in routing table.
RouteAodv.RouteTableEntry(MacAddress, int, int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteTableEntry
Constructs a RouteTableEntry object.
RouteAodv.RreqBuffer - Class in jist.swans.route
Buffer for keeping track of recently sent RREQ messages (so they are not resent).
RouteAodv.RreqBuffer(NetAddress) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RreqBuffer
Constructs a Route Request Buffer object.
RouteAodv.RreqBufferEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
A single entry of the RREQ Buffer.
RouteAodv.RreqBufferEntry(int, NetAddress) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RreqBufferEntry
Constructs a RREQ Buffer Entry object.
routeAppend(NetAddress[], NetAddress) - Static method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp
Helper method: append hop to route.
routeCache - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
The route cache maps NetAddresses (destinations) to LinkedLists of arrays of NetAddresses (routes).
RouteDsr - Class in jist.swans.route
An implementation of the Dynamic Source Routing protocol.
RouteDsr(NetAddress) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
Creates a new RouteDsr object.
RouteDsr.MaintenanceBufferEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
Entries in the Maintenance Buffer correspond to messages that have been sent and are currently waiting passive acknowledgement.
RouteDsr.MaintenanceBufferEntry(NetAddress, NetAddress, short, short, short) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr.MaintenanceBufferEntry
Creates a new MaintenanceBufferEntry.
RouteDsr.RouteReplyTableEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
An entry in the Gratuitous Route Reply Table.
RouteDsr.RouteReplyTableEntry(NetAddress, NetAddress) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr.RouteReplyTableEntry
Creates a new RouteReplyTableEntry.
RouteDsr.RouteRequestTableEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
An entry in the Route Request Table.
RouteDsr.RouteRequestTableEntry() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr.RouteRequestTableEntry
Creates a new RouteRequestTableEntry.
RouteDsrMsg - Class in jist.swans.route
A message with a DSR Options header.
RouteDsrMsg(Message) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg
Creates a new RouteDsrMsg with the given payload.
RouteDsrMsg.Option - Class in jist.swans.route
The base class for all DSR header options.
RouteDsrMsg.Option(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.Option
Creates a new option from the given byte array, starting at the given offset.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionAck - Class in jist.swans.route
An Acknowledgement option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionAck(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.OptionAck
RouteDsrMsg.OptionAckRequest - Class in jist.swans.route
An Acknowledgement Request option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionAckRequest(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.OptionAckRequest
RouteDsrMsg.OptionPad1 - Class in jist.swans.route
A Pad1 option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionPad1(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.OptionPad1
RouteDsrMsg.OptionPadN - Class in jist.swans.route
A PadN option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionPadN(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.OptionPadN
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteError - Class in jist.swans.route
A Route Error option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteError(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteError
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteReply - Class in jist.swans.route
A Route Reply option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteReply(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteReply
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteRequest - Class in jist.swans.route
A Route Request option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteRequest(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.OptionRouteRequest
RouteDsrMsg.OptionSourceRoute - Class in jist.swans.route
A Source Route option.
RouteDsrMsg.OptionSourceRoute(byte[], int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteDsrMsg.OptionSourceRoute
routeDupCheck(NetAddress[]) - Static method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp
Return whether is a cycle in the route.
routeEntity - Variable in class jist.swans.misc.Node
routeFound - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequest
Indicates whether this request has been satisfied (route has been found).
RouteInterface - Interface in jist.swans.route
Defines the interface of all Routing implementations and the Route entity.
RouteInterface.Aodv - Interface in jist.swans.route
AODV routing entity interface.
RouteInterface.Dsr - Interface in jist.swans.route
DSR routing entity interface.
RouteInterface.Dsr.BufferedPacket - Class in jist.swans.route
Contains a packet and the time it was inserted into the buffer.
RouteInterface.Dsr.BufferedPacket(NetMessage.Ip) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Dsr.BufferedPacket
Creates a new BufferedPacket.
RouteInterface.Zrp - Interface in jist.swans.route
ZRP routing entity interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.Brp - Interface in jist.swans.route
Protocol: Bordercast Resolution (sub)Protocol interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.Iarp - Interface in jist.swans.route
IntrAzone Routing (sub)Protocol interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.Ierp - Interface in jist.swans.route
IntErzone Routing (sub)Protocol interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageBrp - Interface in jist.swans.route
BRP (Bordercast Resolution Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIarp - Interface in jist.swans.route
IARP (IntrAzone Routing Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIerp - Interface in jist.swans.route
IERP (IntErzone Routing Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageNdp - Interface in jist.swans.route
NDP (Node Discovery Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageZrp - Interface in jist.swans.route
General ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol) packet interface.
RouteInterface.Zrp.Ndp - Interface in jist.swans.route
Node Discovery (sub)Protocol interface.
RouteReplyEntryExists(NetAddress, NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
Determines whether there is an entry in the Gratuitous Route Reply Table corresponding to the given addresses.
routeReplyTable - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
The Gratuitous Route Reply Table is a set of RouteReplyTableEntrys indicating which nodes have recently triggered gratuitous Route Replies because of automatic route shortening.
routeRequestTable - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
The route request table maps NetAddresses(destinations) to RouteRequestTableEntrys, which are structures containing various information used when performing Route Discovery.
routes - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp
inter-zone routes: NetAddress - RouteEntry.
routesComputed() - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp
Return whether routes have already been computed.
routeSeq - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp
ierp identifier.
routeTable - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
routing table.
RouteZrp - Class in jist.swans.route
Zone Routing Protocol Implementation.
RouteZrp(NetAddress, int) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp
Create and initialize new ZRP instance.
RouteZrp(NetAddress, String) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp
Create and initialize new ZRP instance.
RouteZrp.ZrpPacketStats - Class in jist.swans.route
Data structure to collect ZRP packet statistics.
RouteZrp.ZrpPacketStats() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp.ZrpPacketStats
RouteZrp.ZrpStats - Class in jist.swans.route
Data structure to collect ZRP statistics.
RouteZrp.ZrpStats() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp.ZrpStats
RouteZrpBrp - Class in jist.swans.route
Zone Routing Protocol: Bordercast Resolution (sub)Protocol: Default implementation.
RouteZrpBrp(RouteZrp) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrp
Create new "default" BRP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpBrp(RouteZrp, String) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrp
Create new "default" BRP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpBrp.MessageBrp - Class in jist.swans.route
BRP (Bordercast Resolution Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpBrp.MessageBrp(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIerp, NetAddress[]) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrp.MessageBrp
Create new bordercast packet.
RouteZrpBrp.QueryCoverageEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
BRP query entry.
RouteZrpBrp.QueryCoverageEntry(boolean) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrp.QueryCoverageEntry
Create new, empty query coverage entry.
RouteZrpBrp.QueryKey - Class in jist.swans.route
BRP query key.
RouteZrpBrp.QueryKey(NetAddress, short) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrp.QueryKey
Create new query key.
RouteZrpBrpFlood - Class in jist.swans.route
Zone Routing Protocol: Bordercast Resolution (sub)Protocol: Naive flooding.
RouteZrpBrpFlood(RouteZrp) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrpFlood
Create new "default" BRP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpBrpFlood(RouteZrp, String) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrpFlood
Create new "default" BRP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpBrpFlood.MessageBrpFlood - Class in jist.swans.route
Query flooding packet.
RouteZrpBrpFlood.MessageBrpFlood(RouteInterface.Zrp.MessageIerp) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpBrpFlood.MessageBrpFlood
Create new bordercast packet.
RouteZrpIarp - Class in jist.swans.route
Zone Routing Protocol: IntrAzone Routing (sub)Protocol: Default implementation.
RouteZrpIarp(RouteZrp) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp
Create a new "default" IARP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpIarp(RouteZrp, String) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp
Create a new "default" IARP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpIarp.LinkStateEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
IARP Link state entry.
RouteZrpIarp.LinkStateEntry(short, NetAddress[]) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp.LinkStateEntry
Create new link state entry.
RouteZrpIarp.MessageIarp - Class in jist.swans.route
IARP (IntrAzone Routing Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpIarp.MessageIarp(NetAddress, short, byte, NetAddress[], byte) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp.MessageIarp
Create new IARP packet.
RouteZrpIarp.RouteEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
IARP route entry.
RouteZrpIarp.RouteEntry(NetAddress[]) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp.RouteEntry
Create new IARP route entry.
RouteZrpIerp - Class in jist.swans.route
Zone Routing Protocol: IntErzone Routing (sub)Protocol: Default implementation.
RouteZrpIerp(RouteZrp) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp
Create new "default" IERP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpIerp(RouteZrp, String) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp
Create new "default" IERP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp - Class in jist.swans.route
IERP (IntErzone Routing Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp(short, NetAddress) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp
Create new IERP route request packet.
RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp(byte, short, NetAddress[]) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.MessageIerp
Create new IERP packet.
RouteZrpIerp.MessageQueue - Class in jist.swans.route
Queue of message waiting for route replies.
RouteZrpIerp.MessageQueue() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.MessageQueue
Create new, empty message queue.
RouteZrpIerp.QueuedPacket - Class in jist.swans.route
Packet queued and waiting to be sent.
RouteZrpIerp.QueuedPacket(NetMessage.Ip) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.QueuedPacket
Create new queued packet holder.
RouteZrpIerp.RouteEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
IERP routing entry.
RouteZrpIerp.RouteEntry(NetAddress[], long) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIerp.RouteEntry
Create new IERP route entry.
RouteZrpNdp - Class in jist.swans.route
Zone Routing Protocol: Node Discovery (sub)Protocol: Default implementation.
RouteZrpNdp(RouteZrp) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpNdp
Create new "default" NDP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpNdp(RouteZrp, String) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpNdp
Create new "default" NDP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpNdp.MessageNdp - Class in jist.swans.route
NDP (Node Discovery Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpNdp.MessageNdp() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpNdp.MessageNdp
RouteZrpNdp.NeighbourState - Class in jist.swans.route
NDP neighbour entry.
RouteZrpNdp.NeighbourState() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpNdp.NeighbourState
RouteZrpZdp - Class in jist.swans.route
Zone Routing Protocol: Zone Discovery (sub)Protocol - an alternate IARP.
RouteZrpZdp(RouteZrp) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp
Create a new "default" IARP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpZdp(RouteZrp, String) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp
Create a new "default" IARP (ZRP sub-protocol) handler.
RouteZrpZdp.LinkEntry - Class in jist.swans.route
ZDP link entry.
RouteZrpZdp.LinkEntry(Link, short, boolean) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp.LinkEntry
Create new link entry.
RouteZrpZdp.MessageZdp - Class in jist.swans.route
ZDP (Zone Discovery Protocol) packet.
RouteZrpZdp.MessageZdp(int, byte) - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp.MessageZdp
Create new packet with given initial capacity.
RouteZrpZdp.TimerRefresh - Class in jist.swans.route
Link refresh timer.
RouteZrpZdp.TimerRefresh() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp.TimerRefresh
RouteZrpZdp.TimerSend - Class in jist.swans.route
Delayed outgoing send timer.
RouteZrpZdp.TimerSend() - Constructor for class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp.TimerSend
routing - Variable in class jist.swans.net.NetIp
routing protocol.
rport - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
Remote port number for the connection.
rrepOrig - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvStats
number of route replies generated.
rrepPackets - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvPacketStats
RREP packets.
RREQ_BUFFER_EXPIRE_TIME - Static variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
The maximum duration of time a RREQ buffer entry can remain in the RREQ buffer.
RREQ_ID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START - Static variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Starting value for RREQ ID sequence numbers.
RREQ_TIMEOUT_BASE - Static variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Constant term of the RREQ Timeout duration.
RREQ_TIMEOUT_PER_TTL - Static variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
Variable term of the RREQ Timeout duration, dependant on the RREQ's TTL.
rreqBuffer - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
buffer for storing info about previously sent RREQ messages.
rreqId - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequest
Route request identifier.
rreqId - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage
Route Request identification number.
rreqId - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RreqBufferEntry
RREQ id of RREQ message sent.
rreqIdSeqNum - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
sequence number for RREQ id's.
rreqList - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
list of pending route requests (originated by this node).
rreqOrig - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvStats
number of total route requests (excluding retransmissions).
rreqPackets - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvPacketStats
RREQ packets.
rreqSucc - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.AodvStats
number of new routes formed.
RREQtimeout(Object) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
This event is called periodically after a route request is originated, until a route has been found.
RREQtimeout(Object) - Method in interface jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Aodv
This event is called periodically after a route request is originated, until a route has been found.
run() - Method in class driver.CBR.Client
Starts the client.
run() - Method in interface driver.CBR.ClientInterface
Starts the client.
run() - Method in class driver.CBR.Server
Starts the server.
run() - Method in interface driver.CBR.ServerInterface
Starts the server.
run() - Method in class driver.threaded.worker
run(Runnable) - Static method in class jist.runtime.Bootstrap.StaticRunnableCaller
Run the runnable.
run() - Method in class jist.runtime.Controller
Begin execution of simulation events.
run() - Method in class jist.runtime.guilog.GuiLog.UntilTask
Call the appropriate GuiLog method according to command.
run(int, String, String[], Object) - Static method in class jist.runtime.JistAPI
Bootstrap a new program or script.
run(int, String, String[], Object) - Static method in class jist.runtime.JistAPI_Impl
run() - Method in class jist.runtime.ProxyPoint.StreamPump
Pumps from input to output, until end-of-file or error.
run(String[]) - Method in class jist.swans.app.AppHeartbeat
Run application.
run() - Method in class jist.swans.app.AppHeartbeat
Run application.
run() - Method in interface jist.swans.app.AppInterface
Run application.
run(String[]) - Method in interface jist.swans.app.AppInterface
Run application.
run(String[]) - Method in class jist.swans.app.AppJava
Run application.
run() - Method in class jist.swans.app.AppJava
Run application.
run() - Method in interface jist.swans.app.AppJava.Runnable
RUN_BSH - Static variable in class jist.runtime.JistAPI
Beanshell script constant.
RUN_CLASS - Static variable in class jist.runtime.JistAPI
Java application constant.
RUN_JPY - Static variable in class jist.runtime.JistAPI
Jython script constant.
runAt(Runnable, long) - Static method in class jist.runtime.JistAPI
Call a runnable object at given simulation time.
runAt(Runnable, long) - Static method in class jist.runtime.JistAPI_Impl
runClient(Main.CommandLineOptions) - Static method in class jist.runtime.Main
Run a JiST client.
running - Static variable in class jist.runtime.Main
whether jist is running.
runServer(String, Main.CommandLineOptions) - Static method in class jist.runtime.Main
Run a JiST server.
runSimulation(Main.CommandLineOptions, Properties, RemoteJist.JistClientRemote, PrintStream, RemoteJist.PingRemote) - Static method in class jist.runtime.Main
Run a single simulation with given command-line options.
runSimulationRedirect(Main.CommandLineOptions, Properties, RemoteJist.JistClientRemote) - Static method in class jist.runtime.Main
Redirect output streams and run simulation.
rwnd - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
most recently advertised receiver window.
RX_TX_TURNAROUND - Static variable in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
Receive-Transmit turnaround time.

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