A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


data - Variable in class jist.runtime.Channel
Single data object passed through channel.
data - Variable in class jist.swans.misc.MessageBytes
Message (byte-array) payload.
data - Variable in class jist.swans.misc.MessageNest
Nested message body.
dataBytes - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp.ZrpPacketStats
zrp counter.
dataPackets - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrp.ZrpPacketStats
zrp counter.
DAY - Static variable in class jist.swans.Constants
one day in simulation time units.
DEBUG - Static variable in class jist.runtime.ProxyPoint
whether to show some output.
DEBUG_MODE - Static variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv
debug mode.
decCW() - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
Decrease Collision Windows.
decTTL() - Method in class jist.swans.net.NetMessage.Ip
Create indentical packet with decremented TTL.
decTTL() - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp.MessageIarp
Create new IARP message with decremented TTL.
defaultBufferSize - Static variable in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedInputStream
defaultCharBufferSize - Static variable in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
buffer size.
defaultCharBufferSize - Static variable in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedWriter
buffer size.
defaultExpectedLineLength - Static variable in class jist.swans.app.io.BufferedReader
expected input line length.
define(JavaClass) - Method in class jist.runtime.Rewriter
Load a given BCEL class into the JVM.
del(Event) - Method in class jist.runtime.guilog.GuiLog
Deletes an Event from the GUI.
del(Event) - Method in class jist.runtime.guilog.GuiLog.EventTableModel
Delete an event from the table's data model.
del(Event) - Method in interface jist.runtime.guilog.LogInterface
Deletes an event from the GUI.
del(Field.RadioData) - Method in class jist.swans.field.Spatial
Delete a radio from bin.
del(Field.RadioData) - Method in class jist.swans.field.Spatial.Grid
Delete a radio from bin.
del(Field.RadioData) - Method in class jist.swans.field.Spatial.HierGrid
Delete a radio from bin.
del(Field.RadioData) - Method in class jist.swans.field.Spatial.LinearList
Delete a radio from bin.
del(Field.RadioData) - Method in class jist.swans.field.Spatial.TiledWraparound
Delete a radio from bin.
DELAY - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp
zdp delay time.
DELAYED_ACK_TIME - Static variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
Number of milliseconds to wait before sending an ACK.
DeleteBuffer(RouteInterface.Dsr.BufferedPacket) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
Removes the given BufferedPacket from the Send Buffer.
DeleteBuffer(RouteInterface.Dsr.BufferedPacket) - Method in interface jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Dsr
Removes an entry from the send buffer.
DeleteRouteReplyEntry(NetAddress, NetAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
Deletes an entry from the Gratuitous Route Reply Table.
DeleteRouteReplyEntry(NetAddress, NetAddress) - Method in interface jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Dsr
Removes an entry from the gratuitous route reply table.
delRadio(Integer) - Method in class jist.swans.field.Field
Remove a radio from the field.
delSocketHandler(int) - Method in interface jist.swans.trans.TransInterface
Unregister socket handler.
delSocketHandler(int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TransTcp
Unregister socket handler.
delSocketHandler(int) - Method in class jist.swans.trans.TransUdp
Unregister socket handler.
dequeueAndSend(NetAddress, MacAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.MessageQueue
Sends all messages in queue destined for a given destination via a given next hop.
dest - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr.MaintenanceBufferEntry
Destination address.
destIp - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteReplyMessage
RREP message destination IP address field.
destIp - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequest
Net address of node for which we seek a route.
destIp - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage
Destination node IP address.
destSeqNum - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteReplyMessage
RREP message destination sequence number field.
destSeqNum - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteRequestMessage
Latest known destination node sequence number.
destSeqNum - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteTableEntry
Latest known sequence number for destination node.
destsViaHop(MacAddress) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteAodv.RouteTable
Returns all destinations through a given next hop.
di - Variable in class jist.swans.field.Spatial.Grid
bin dimensions.
DIFS - Static variable in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
Distributed inter frame space.
dim - Variable in class driver.ndp.cmdlineOpts
length of field.
dim - Variable in class driver.spatial.cmdlineOpts
length of field.
dir - Variable in class jist.minisim.prime.CmdlineOpts
directory to recursively scan.
dirFileFilter - Static variable in class jist.minisim.prime
directory file list filter.
DiscoverRoute(NetAddress, short) - Method in class jist.swans.route.RouteDsr
Initiates a Route Discovery for the given address.
DiscoverRoute(NetAddress, short) - Method in interface jist.swans.route.RouteInterface.Dsr
Initiates route discovery for the given destination.
display - Variable in class jist.swans.app.AppHeartbeat
whether to display application output.
disposeEvent(Event) - Method in class jist.runtime.Controller
Dispose event into the event pool, and clear any references in the event object to allow for GC.
distance - Variable in class driver.ip.CommandLineOptions
Distance between two nodes.
distance(Location) - Method in class jist.swans.misc.Location
Compute distance between two locations.
distance(Location) - Method in class jist.swans.misc.Location.Location2D
Compute distance between two locations.
distance(Location) - Method in class jist.swans.misc.Location.Location3D
Compute distance between two locations.
distanceSqr(Location) - Method in class jist.swans.misc.Location
Compute distance squared between two locations.
distanceSqr(Location) - Method in class jist.swans.misc.Location.Location2D
Compute distance squared between two locations.
distanceSqr(Location) - Method in class jist.swans.misc.Location.Location3D
Compute distance squared between two locations.
dj - Variable in class jist.swans.field.Spatial.Grid
bin dimensions.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Empty
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in interface jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Visitor
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddAccessorMethods
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddEntityMethodStubs
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddSelfEntityRef
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalImplementEntityInterface
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalImplementTimelessInterface
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityCreation
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityInvocation
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityReferences
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalRemoveFieldAccess
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalTranslateAPICalls
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyAll
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyEntity
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClass(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.swans.Rewriter.ModifyTypeTraversal
Upcall to process class before field and method processing.
doClassPost(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Empty
Upcall to process class after field and method processing.
doClassPost(ClassGen) - Method in interface jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Visitor
Upcall to process class after field and method processing.
doClassPost(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddEntityMethodStubs
Upcall to process class after field and method processing.
doClassPost(ClassGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyEntity
Upcall to process class after field and method processing.
doDifs() - Method in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
doesImplement(Class, Class) - Static method in class jist.runtime.ProxyEntity
Check recursively whether a given class implements a given interface.
doField(ClassGen, FieldGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Empty
Upcall to process field.
doField(ClassGen, FieldGen) - Method in interface jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Visitor
Upcall to process field.
doField(ClassGen, FieldGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddAccessorMethods
Upcall to process field.
doField(ClassGen, FieldGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityReferences
Upcall to process field.
doField(ClassGen, FieldGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyEntity
Upcall to process field.
doField(ClassGen, FieldGen) - Method in class jist.swans.Rewriter.ModifyTypeTraversal
Upcall to process field.
doFlow(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterFlow
Perform data flow analysis to determine the frame at each execution point in the method.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Empty
Upcall to process instruction.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in interface jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Visitor
Upcall to process instruction.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddSelfEntityRef
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityCreation
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityInvocation
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityReferences
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalRemoveFieldAccess
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalRemoveNop
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalTranslateAPICalls
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doInstruction(ClassGen, MethodGen, InstructionHandle, Instruction) - Method in class jist.swans.Rewriter.ModifyTypeTraversal
Upcall to process instruction. Note that instructions can be inserted and deleted directly using the BCEL API, and therefore this method returns void.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Empty
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in interface jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Visitor
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddEntityMethodStubs
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalAddSelfEntityRef
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityCreation
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalModifyEntityReferences
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalTranslateAPICalls
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyAll
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalVerifyEntity
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethod(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.swans.Rewriter.ModifyTypeTraversal
Upcall to process method before instruction processing.
doMethodPost(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Empty
Upcall to process method after instruction processing.
doMethodPost(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in interface jist.runtime.ClassTraversal.Visitor
Upcall to process method after instruction processing.
doMethodPost(ClassGen, MethodGen) - Method in class jist.runtime.RewriterTraversalContinuableMethods
Upcall to process method after instruction processing.
done() - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClient
Signal client that simulation is done.
done() - Method in class jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClientLocal
Signal client that simulation is done.
done() - Method in interface jist.runtime.RemoteJist.JistClientRemote
Signal client that simulation is done.
donotrewrite - Class in jist.minisim
Hello World of simulations, but with rewritting DISABLED.
donotrewrite() - Constructor for class jist.minisim.donotrewrite
doubleCapacity() - Method in class jist.runtime.Scheduler.Heap
Double the capacity of the internal array.
downIcon - Static variable in class jist.runtime.guilog.GuiLog
Re-used Icon.
driver - package driver
SWANS demo, benchmark and test simulation programs.
DROP_PROBABILITY - Static variable in class jist.swans.trans.TransTcp
probability (in percent) that a message will not be sent
drops - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpZdp.MessageZdp
link failure indicators.
dsrtest - Class in driver
dsrtest() - Constructor for class driver.dsrtest
dsrtest.Client - Class in driver
dsrtest.Client() - Constructor for class driver.dsrtest.Client
dsrtest.Server - Class in driver
dsrtest.Server() - Constructor for class driver.dsrtest.Server
DSSS - Static variable in class jist.swans.mac.Mac802_11
Physical specification constant: 802_11b-1999 Supplement 2_4GHz Direct Sequence.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacDumb.MacDumbMessage
mac message destination address.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage.Ack
packet destination address.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage.Cts
packet destination address.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage.Data
Packet destination address.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage.Rts
packet destination address.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.net.NetMessage.Ip
ip packet destination address.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.route.Link
link destination address.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp.LinkStateEntry
link endpoints.
dst - Variable in class jist.swans.route.RouteZrpIarp.MessageIarp
links destinations.
dstPort - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TransTcp.TcpMessage
16 bit destination port number.
dstPort - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TransUdp.UdpMessage
packet destination address.
dupAckCounter - Variable in class jist.swans.trans.TcpSocket
counter for number of duplicate ACKs that we currently receive.
duration - Variable in class driver.aodvsim.CommandLineOptions
Number of seconds to send messages.
duration - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage.Ack
packet transmission duration.
duration - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage.Cts
packet transmission duration.
duration - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage.Data
Packet transmission duration.
duration - Variable in class jist.swans.mac.MacMessage.Rts
packet transmission duration.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _